Michael Fiala Motor-Sports-Club
Track days for motorcycles
Wechsle zur deutschen Sprache

Reservation form for car events in 2025

Participation fees in 2025:

The prices are based on those of the previous season.
There are several price scales, starting with a very large discount which then decreases each month until finally reaching the box office price.
In short: The earlier you book, the bigger the discount!

Race tracks in 2025:

The race tracks and the program remain unchanged: Brno Circuit, Slovakia Ring and Pannonia Ring.
MotoGP races will be held on the Brno Circuit again from 2025. The necessary renovation of the circuit is currently still in planning. For this reason, it is uncertain whether our event planned for 16 April can actually take place, or on an alternative date. Until this is finally clarified, our event in Brno is not available for booking.
As soon as there is clarity about our date of the event on the Brno Circuit, all club members will be informed by e-mail and this information will also be published here on the homepage.

Secure your starting place:

Since the 2025 event program is more or less a copy of the current program,
we expect drivers to be as interested as in the previous season.
We highly recommend booking quickly to secure the big price advantage and your starting place.

Cancellation security:

There are many reasons that can prevent drivers from participating in an event.
As the number of affected drivers increases, we recommend insuring the cancellation risk.
Two cancellation insurances are available
1.) SportVers motorsport cancellation insurance: calculate your fee
2.) European travel insurance: calculate your fee

Event program for cars:

Free practice in 3 groups; Change every 20 minutes; Practice times: 9.00 to 13.00 and 14.00 to 18.00 hours.
The full day ticket entitles you to 8 x 20 minutes of free training on the race track.
The half day ticket can be used either in the morning or in the afternoon.
Individual stints of 20 minutes each can also be booked on the Pannonia Ring


The field of drivers is divided into 3 groups. The grouping of the drivers and their vehicles is based on the lap times. This is why transponder-timing is mandatory to all drivers.
The costs for the transponder time measurement are 20 EUR, these are not included in the entry fee.

I hereby book bindingly:

April 16, 2025 ... Brno Circuit
We are waiting for race track management to confirm the date.
May 7, 2025 ... Slovakia Ring
May 28, 2025 ... Pannonia Ring
June 25, 2025 ... Pannonia Ring
July 30, 2025 ... Pannonia Ring
August 21, 2025 ... Pannonia Ring
Annual pass ... 5 Track Days
1 x Slovakia Ring + 4 x Pannonia Ring
Annual pass ... 4 Track Days
4 x Pannonia Ring
Subject to change!

One day accident insurance:

Hobby racer can sign a one day accident insurance with SportVers.de; the risk of a race is included.
Costs: 20 EUR per day; insurance sum: 100.000 EUR
All information is provided on: https://www.sportvers.de
  By clicking the checkbox your insurance registration will be send to the insurance company.

Time Attack:

Participation in Time Attack is free of charge, but registration is required, as well as disclosure of the vehicle data (power and weight). Evaluation and award ceremony on the day of the event at around 5 p.m..
  I want to participate in TIME-ATTACK.

2nd driver:

The participation fee refers to the car with up to a maximum of 2 drivers. There is no additional entry fee for the 2nd driver if he is named at least 7 days before the event. If this deadline is not observed, 50 EUR will be charged for additional administrative expenses.
Please fill in the data of the 2nd driver in this form.

My message to the organizer:

Regarding renting a box or other questions.

My personal data:

I am experienced in driving on a race track:    yes    no
My lap times (if available):

After booking, all payment information will be sent by e-mail within 3 days.

By submitting the booking form I confirm and agree with the Michael Fiala Motor-Sports-Club general terms and conditions; furthermore, I confirm that I have read the privacy policy concerning the General Data Protection Regulation.

Brno Circuit Slovakia Ring Pannonia Ring www.track-days.at www.track-days.at www.track-days.at www.track-days.at www.track-days.at www.track-days.at www.track-days.at www.track-days.at www.track-days.at www.track-days.at www.track-days.at www.track-days.at www.track-days.at www.track-days.at www.track-days.at www.track-days.at

Accreditation and mandatory driver briefing:

Accreditation the evening before the event:  18.00.- 19.00
Accreditation on the day of the event:  8.30 - 18.00
Driver briefing on the day of the event:  8.30

Safety first:

Free practice stands and falls with the grouping of drivers and their vehicles. If there are drivers or vehicles in a group that are significantly faster or significantly slower than the rest of the field of drivers, this can lead to dangerous situations. The transponder time measurement enables the best possible grouping based on the lap times actually driven.
Regroupings take place continuously in the course of an event.

Helmets and the use of seatbelts are compulsory:

When driving on the race track, all vehicle occupants are required to wear helmets and seat belts.
Passengers must be at least 18 years old.
Only accredited persons are allowed to stay in the pit lane.

Time Attack:

Anyone who has already participated in a couple of track days will inevitably feel the need to compete with other drivers. As classic races are at risk, we are reverting to the Time Attack which only is focused on the driver's skills. A compensation value is calculated to balance the different weights and engine performances of each car. These factors will be added to the lap times which were transformed into metric system before. The lowest number wins.
Participation in Time Attack is free of charge, but registration is required, as well as your vehicle data (horsepower and weight of your car).
Evaluation and trophy ceremonies at the end of the day around 17.00 hours.

Information obligation pursuant to § 5 paragraph 1 Austrian E-Commerce-Law:

Michael Fiala Motor-Sports
P.O.Box 25, 1006 Vienna, Austria
Chamber of Commerce of Vienna, Branch Organization of Events, Branch Trade, Branch Advertising
+43 699 13320406
Erste Bank Austria, IBAN: AT64 2011 1000 0385 2822, BIC: GIBAATWWXXX